ph 0220653142 Christchurch/Nth Canterbury Doula

Birth Doula Postpartum Doula Baby Sleep Consultant Christchurch
Birth Doula Postpartum Doula Support. Christchurch & North Canterbury: Together Building Strong, Healthy Family Foundations
ph 0220653142 Christchurch/Nth Canterbury Doula
Birth Doula Postpartum Doula Support. Christchurch & North Canterbury: Together Building Strong, Healthy Family Foundations
At Symphony Birth and Baby, I am dedicated to supporting my Doula clients during their birth and precious newborn days. Preparing for the best birth possible, discussing information and options, supporting you throughout the birth and in those initial few hours, days and weeks. I believe in you and I'm here to support and help you as you begin your parenting journey.
Please check out my Doula Support page to see the ways I can support you.
Paulette the Doula is passionate about helping people live their best lives, experience the best possible birth and enjoy their babies. With over 30 years' experience, Paulette has a wealth of knowledge in caring for babies. After being a nanny for several years Paulette has spent the past 29 years raising her family of eight children and fostering several other babies. She has five grandchildren, and being present at two of their births inspired her to support others in this way. She is here to support you as your doula before, during, and after the birth of your baby. Paulette is a qualified Birth and Postpartum Doula, and a qualified Breastfeeding Peer Supporter.
Paulette is also a qualified Baby Sleep Consultant, available to coach you in supporting your baby or toddler to achieve healthy sleep, and give you tips and tricks on how to settle your newborn.
Empowering and Supporting your Birth Choices
Includes three antenatal visits to get to know you and discuss how you would like me to support you during birth. I will be on call for your birth and stay with you the entire time until you are ready for me to go after the baby is born. One postpartum visit also included, to debrief the birth and check in with you about life with your newborn.
Bookings now open for 2025.
*Travel added if more than 20km
Whether it's debriefing your birth, vaccuuming your floor, preparing a meal, bringing you a cup of tea, helping with your breastfeeding, holding your baby while you shower or nap, or discussing baby care, I will be there to support you however you would like. Flexible hours to suit you. Normally 3 - 4 hour blocks during the day or evening. 1 - 2 hours considered, depending on my travel time (please ask).
*Travel added if more than 20km
I have joined the team at Baby and Beyond! Please visit
Baby and Beyond - Baby Sleep Consultants You Can Trust
for details!
* Travel charged as an extra cost if further than 20km from my home
It is important to feel comfortable with your Doula. Let's meet up over a coffee, for an obligation-free session to discuss your options and see if I am the right Doula for you.
7481, Amberley, Canterbury, New Zealand
ph/text: Paulette on 0220653142 email: